BPW London Community Involvement
BPW London’s community involvement is made possible by the support of members and friends who continue to support BPW London and believe in building toward advancing equal opportunities within our community and beyond.

April 20, 2021:
Litigation & Legal/Resolutions was the topic for Kelsy Gill’s presentation at BPW London’s Speaker Series. Kelsy is a Commercial Civil Litigation lawyer with Giffen Lawyers and she told the story of her law career and how it has helped her be active not only in BPW but also in the community. On behalf of Kelsy, BPW London donated to Youth Opportunities Unlimited (YOU).

March 16, 2021:
Kathryn Munn, Munn Conflict Resolutions, was the speaker at BPW London’s Speaker Series event. Kathryn discussed “Dealing With Difficult People” and provided practical tips. On behalf of Kathryn, BPW London donated to the London Abused Women’s Centre.

February 16, 2021:
Lisa Conley, Financial Advisor, Edward Jones, was the speaker at BPW London’s Speaker Series event. The topic for the evening was “Investing as an Entrepreneur”. Lisa explored the ways that investing can work for you personally or for your business. On behalf of Lisa, BPW London donated to Ark Aid Mission.

January 19, 2021:
Kelly Tallon Franklin, Founder of Courage for Freedom, was the speaker at BPW London’s Speaker Series event. Kelly discussed the #ProjectMapleLeaf project, human trafficking awareness campaign, and her own experiences. Kelly’s passion and commitment to the effort to end human trafficking made an impression on all that attended. On behalf of Kelly, BPW London donated to Courage for Freedom.

December 15, 2020:
BPW London’s Annual Festive Social Fundraiser. For the fifth year in a row, BPW London club and members donated to the London Basket Brigade. Due to COVID-19, monetary donations were requested vs food. BPW London club and members donated close to $700 to the Brigade to help them reach their goal of serving 125 London families.

November 17, 2020:
Winn Barnett, Independent Sales Director, Mary Kay Cosmetics was the speaker at BPW London’s Speaker Series event. Winn is passionate about helping women look their best: she explained how her story of how she reinvented her successful business when COVID changed the way she presented her products. She also included some makeup tips for virtual meetings. On behalf of Winn, BPW London donated to Courage for Freedom.

October 17, 2020:
Kimberly McDougall.The Travel Agent Next Door was the featured speaker at BPW London’s Speaker Series event on October 17, 2020. Kim launched a new business in June 2019 just nine months before COVID-19 led to worldwide travel restrictions for tourists. She discussed plans for her business and how she coped with something totally beyond her control or planning that seriously affected her business model. On half of Kim, BPW London donated to Anova.

December 15, 2020:
BPW London’s Annual Festive Social Fundraiser. For the fifth year in a row, BPW London club and members donated to the London Basket Brigade. Due to COVID-19, monetary donations were requested vs food. BPW London club and members donated close to $700 to the Brigade to help them reach their goal of serving 125 London families.

December 10, 2019:
BPW London’s annual Festive Dinner Fundraiser. For the fourth year in a row, BPW London members and friends collected donations for the London’s Christmas Basket Brigade.

October 5, 2019:
BPW London was a sponsor at the Women’s Economic Empowerment Community Building event on October 5, 2019. Complete details of the event, click here. The event included panellists from a cross-section of London industries, special guest Stephanie Dei, UN National Coordinator, UNWomen WeEmpower as well as representatives from the Canadian Coalition to Empower Women.

BPW London’s Spare Change Donation Jar Campaign!
BPW London members and friends donated their spare change to the “jar”. BPW London member Ramona Robichaud (right in the photo above) presenting London Coffee House with the club’s donation. “The London Coffee House has a long history of providing a hot cup of coffee, support and socialization to men and women experiencing homelessness, and those at risk.”

December 11, 2018:
BPW London’s annual Festive Dinner Fundraiser. For the third year in a row, BPW London members and friends collected donations for the London’s Christmas Basket Brigade.

July 17, 2018:
“My Smartphone Friend or Foe?” BPW London welcomed three presenters: Mary Beth Bezzina, My Notables; Katie Cole, Education Media Specialist and Medway High School Teacher and Jennifer Gall, Something Simple. Proceeds from the evening were donated to three charties selected by the presenters:

April 26, 2018:
BPW London’s Progressive Euchre Tournament. The proceeds of the fundraiser were donated to the London Anti-Human Trafficking Committee and Farmtown Canada, both organizations educate and assist girls and women that have been or could be trafficked.

December 2017:
As part of BPW London’s annual Festive Dinner Fundraiser, BPW London members and friends collected donations for the London’s Christmas Basket Brigade.

May 5, 2017:
BPW London was a proud sponsor of the May 5, 2017 Sexual Assault Centre London‘s 7th Annual Wine, Dine & Showtime. Theme foe the gala was “Roaring 20’s: Prohibition on Sexual Violence.” The money raised at the event sustains the free counselling services offered by the Sexual Assault Centre London to survivors of sexual violence in London & Middlesex County.

March 21, 2017:
Mariam Hamou, founder of London’s Syrian Refugee Fund, was the guest speaker at the March 21, 2017. Mariam discussed “A Woman’s Life in a War Torn Country”: The life of women who are living with families in war torn countries – Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan. How do they feed their families? What happens to young girls with no education or work prospects? On behalf of Mariam, BPW London donated to the Islamic Relief Canada – Somalia Famine.

February 21, 2017:
As part of BPW’s February International month the topic for our February 21, 2017 dinner meeting was “From Overseas to London – Two Women’s Courageous Stories”. The two courageous. one from Ethiopia and the other from Bhutan, are from a local organization, World Tailors. Located in London, Ontario, World Tailors help women from all over the world learn skills and build friendships by making World Cooks aprons, market bags and bistro aprons. The World Cooks products can be purchased online or in-person, complete details click here. On behalf of the two speakers, BPW London donated to World Tailors.

January 17, 2017:
“#LeapFear Project – Positive Risk Taking” was the topic for BPW London’s January 17, 2017 dinner meeting. Anita Watkins, Anita Watkins Photographer, discussed her #LeapFear project, a tribute to her mother, “to inspire us move past our fear and to live our lives as they were meant to be.” On behalf of Anita, BPW London donated to Teacher Mentors Abroad.

December 2016:
December 2016, as part of BPW London’s annual Festive Dinner Fundraiser, we collected donations for the London’s Christmas Basket Brigade.

November 15 2016:
Jennifer Christie, Chair of Ag Women’s Network was BPW London’s November 15 2016 guest speaker. The topic for the evening was “Cultivating and Connecting: Rural Networking”, Jen discussed mentoring in a new networking group and how women survive in the male perceived agriculture industry. On behalf of Jen, BPW London, donated to the Canadian Mental Health Association – Grey Bruce.

October 18, 2016:
“Workplace Harassment, Sexual Harassment & Violence” was the topic for BPW London’s October 18, 2016 dinner meeing. Elizabeth Hewitt, LLB, E. Hewitt Law Firm, was the guest speaker. Elizabeth focused on “Building Respect in the Workplace”. On behalf of Elizabeth, BPW London donated to the London and area, Big Sisters.

September 20, 2016:
ancy Sutherland, CEO, of The Sunshine Foundation of Canada was the speaker at BPW London’s September 20, 2016 dinner meeting. Nancy discussed how her organization and other not-for-profits raise money. On behalf of Nancy, BPW London donated to The Sunshine Foundation of Canada.

May 17, 2016:
“Working As An Equal In a Traditional Male World” was the topic presented by Benilde Aguiar, Owner, EBA Concrete Services at BPW London’s May 17, 2016 dinner meeting. On behalf of Benilde, BPW London donated to The Caring Cupboard: Food Bank of St. Thomas.

March 15, 2016:
Laurie Lashbrook, President, Lashbrook Marketing and Public Relations presented “Personal Branding and Successful Social Media Profiles” at BPW London’s March 15, 2016 dinner meeting. BPW London made a donation to London Health Science Foundation Miracle Day Fund on behalf of Laurie.

March 4, 2016:
BPW London is a proud Bronze sponsor of the 16th Annual International Women’s Day Breakfast on March 4, 2016. All proceeds of the event will go to the London Abused Women’s Centre.

February 16, 2016:
“Gendercide: A Woman’s Story of Liberation From Religious Traditions and Societal Stereotyping” was the topic of speaker Binu Alag, Master Empowerment Coach presentation at BPW London’s February 16, 2016 dinner meeting. On behalf of Binu, BPW London donated to Plan International Canada’s “Because I’m A Girl” program.

January 19, 2016:
BPW London member and owner of Heartwood Equine Connections was BPW London’s speaker at the January 19, 2016 dinner meeting. The topic was “Changing a Life…Healing Happens With Horses.” Lynne discussed helping people navigate through emotional healing using the wisdom of horses. On behalf of Lynne, BPW London donated to My Sisters’ Place.

December 8, 2015:
Part of BPW London’s Winter Wonderland Social/Fundraising Dinner on December 8, 2015 was a donation drive for Rotholme Women’s and Family Shelter. Thank you to BPW London members and guests who donated items.

October 20, 2015:
“Fundraising Isn’t About Money…Wisdom From a Career Fundraiser”, was the topic for BPW London’s October 20, 2015 dinner meeting. The guest speaker was Michelle Campbell, President/CEO of St. Joseph’s Health Care Foundation. On behalf of Michelle, BPW London donated to her organization.

January 19, 2016:
BPW London member and owner of Heartwood Equine Connections was BPW London’s speaker at the January 19, 2016 dinner meeting. The topic was “Changing a Life…Healing Happens With Horses.” Lynne discussed helping people navigate through emotional healing using the wisdom of horses. On behalf of Lynne, BPW London donated to My Sisters’ Place.

December 8, 2015:
Part of BPW London’s Winter Wonderland Social/Fundraising Dinner on December 8, 2015 was a donation drive for Rotholme Women’s and Family Shelter. Thank you to BPW London members and guests who donated items.

September 15, 2015:
On September 15, 2015, Christina Parker-Hopkins, President/Founder of Iron Sirens was BPW London’s guest speaker. Christina discussed the fostering of sisterhood and empowerment of women in our workplace and communities. BPW London donated to My Sisters’ Place on behalf of Christina and Iron Sirens.

May 1, 2015:
On May 1, 2015, The Sexual Assault Centre of London will be conducting their major fundraiser, Wine, Dine and Showtime. BPW London is proud to be a Companion Sponsor of this event.

March 17, 2015:
Colleen Sharen, BPW London member and Associate Professor, Management & Organizational Studies, Brescia University College was BPW London’s March 17, 2015 speaker. The topic was “Closing the Entrepreneurial Gap”. Colleen explored the reasons, why the percentage of Canadian small and medium businesses are owned or co-owned by women, is low. BPW London donated to Brescia University College’s Entrepreneurship Program the door prize proceeds.

March 5, 2015:
The 15th Annual International Women’s Day Breakfast was March 5, 2015. Proceeds of the event go to the London Abused Women’s Centre (LAWC). BPW London was a Bronze Sponsor of this event, as well many members attended the Breakfast in support of the Centre. Learn more about the LAWC by visiting their website.

February 17, 2015:
Homelessness and Prostitution in London: Jan Richardson, Manager of Homelessness Prevention for the City of London was the February 17, 2015 guest speaker at the BPW London dinner meeting. Jan spoke about a community plan regarding street involved sex workers. Jan requested BPW London donate the proceeds of the door prize to the London Regional AIDS Hospice/John Gordon Home.

February 12, 2015:
BPW London sponsored a Women’s Build for Habitat for Humanity. Our team name was Building Powerful Women. The team’s build day was February 12, 2015. Thank you for helping us build a home by sponsoring our team. Click here for complete details and gallery of build photos.

January 20, 2015:
Michelle Lane, Nutritionist Student at Brescia University College was BPW London’s guest speaker on January 20, 2015. Michelle discussed the experiences of Kenya and women getting support in their communities. Michelle is part of the organization, Western Heads East, their goal is to establish disease-fighting probiotic yogurt programs in Africa. BPW London donated the proceeds of the evening’s door prize to Western Heads East.

November 2014:
The London Abused Women’s Centre Advocates/Counsellors and first-time authors, Judy Miller Rose and Heather Wharram were November 2014 BPWL guest speakers. The author’s book Just When You Think It’s All Over is a harrowing story of abuse, attempted murder and eventually, a brighter future is told in this book. BPWL donated to Judy & Heather’s projects.

October 2014:
Local politics: October 2014 BPWL guest speaker Shawna Lewkowitz of Women and Politics London discussed women’s role and participation in London politics. BPWL donated proceeds of the door prize to Women and Politcs London.

September 2014:
Goodwill Industries, Ontario Great Lakes has set up via the Bridges Out of Poverty a Circles program. In September 2014, Shane Clarke of Goodwill Industries and a Bridges Out of Poverty/Circles Coach was BPWL’s guest speaker. Proceeds of the door prize were donated to the Circles program in London.

May 2014:
Mandy Bennett, Executive Director of Anago, was the guest speaker at BPW London’s May 2014 dinner meeting. Proceeds from the door prize were donated to Anago. Members and guests also donated some “goodies” for the girls at Anago-Parkhill Therapeutic Care Residence. Click here to view a list of their needs.

March 21, 2014:
At BPW London’s Bridges Out of Poverty workshop, March 21, 2014, the over 140 participants donated socks to the Unity Project, an organization that provides emergency shelter and transitional housing with a peer-supported community model.

March 7, 2014:
BPW London, once again, is proud to be a Bronze sponsor of the London Abused Women’s Centre (LAWC) International Women’s Day Breakfast and Auction on March 7, 2014.

November 2013:
November 2013 guest speaker, Cheryl Campbell, CFP, CHS, FDS, Money Coach, selected The Women’s Community House as the recipient of the BPWL door prize monies. Thank you to all members and guests who purchased door prize tickets.

October 2013:
Rotholme Women’s and Family Shelter was the recipient of the door prizes monies of the October 2013 BPWL dinner meeting. Guest speaker at the meeting was Mary-Jo Hartman, Case Manager at Rotholme. She discussed the meaning of shelter life for women and children.

September 2013:
BPW London donated monies, in September 2013, to All Our Sisters a “national multi-disciplinary network and conference addressing the social, economic and practical issues affecting homeless women and women at risk.” All Our Sisters will be conducting a national forum in London, May 12-14, 2014

May 2013:
Guest Speaker Melissa McCormick’s, The Queen’s Daughter Mission was the recipient of the door prize monies at the May 2013 dinner meeting. The Queen’s Daughter Mission support victims of sexual and domestic violence, educate, share and set an example.

March 2013:
Women’s Rural Resource Centre was the recipient of the door prize monies at the March 2013 BPWL dinner meeting. Guest speakers at the meeting were the Strathroy-Caradoc Mayor, Joanne Vanderheyden and Police Chief, Laurie Hayman. Learn more about the Women’s Rural Resource Centre by checking out their website, click here.

March 1, 2013:
BPW London is a Bronze sponsor of the London Abused Women’s Centre (LAWC) International Women’s Day Breakfast and Auction on March 1, 2013. Complete Details at LAWC’s website.

February 2013:
In February 2013, BPW London donated the monies raised from door prize raffle to Compassion Canada. June Dryer, Compassion Canada’s Major Donor Department Manager discussed Compassion Canada’s humanitarian efforts that improve the quality and social levels of women and children around the world.

November 2012:
The Anago Parkhill Therapeutic Care Residence for young girls recently opened a new teaching kitchen. BPW London donated money toward small appliances for the kitchen. BPWL 1st President, Winn Barnett and Membership Chair, Karen Moffatt presented the donation at the ribbon-cutting ceremony in November 2012.
Click here to read the article published in the Parkhill Gazette that details the work of many volunteers and the opening of the kitchen.

March 1, 2013:
BPW London is a Bronze sponsor of the London Abused Women’s Centre (LAWC) International Women’s Day Breakfast and Auction on March 1, 2013. Complete Details at LAWC’s website.

October 2012:
In October 2012, BPW London donated the monies raised from door prize raffle to My Sisters’ Place. Susan MacPhail, Executive Director of My Sisters’ Place was the guest speaker. Also attending the meeting were two women from My Sisters’ Place MicroEnterprise who were selling their handmade, custom jewellery, scarves and other items.
Learn more about My Sisters’Place and the MicroEntreprise by clicking here.

BPW London’s past project was to raise funds to help children in Bosnia. Funds were raised by holding various fundraisers.