About BPW London

BPW’s Mission:
BPW develops the business, professional and leadership potential of women on all levels through advocacy, education, mentoring, networking, skill-building, and economic empowerment programs and projects around the world.

BPW is a non-sectarian, non-profit, and non-partisan organization. It is an equality-seeking group working toward the improvement of economic, employment and social conditions affecting women.

BPW Members have a wide range of work and educational experience. BPW London, founded in 1945, is a member of the Business and Professional Women Ontario (BPW Ontario) and the Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW Canada). These organizations are dedicated to improving the lives of women everywhere.

BPW Canada was founded in 1930, the same year as the International Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW International) and is one of BPW International’s Founding Federations. BPW International has Consultative Status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and now includes affiliates in more than 100 countries around the world.

Membership in BPW London includes membership in the provincial, national and international BPW organizations thereby encouraging participation at events around the world.

BPW’s Four Cornerstones

BPW’s Aims & Objectives

BPW Aims

BPW aims to unite business and professional women through the following objectives:

Work For Women’s:

  • economic independence
  • equal opportunity and representation in economic, civil and political life

Encourage and Support Women and Girls:

  • to develop their professional and leadership potential
  • to undertake lifelong education and training
  • to use their abilities for the benefit of others, locally, provincially and nationally


  • for the elimination of all discrimination against women
  • for human rights and the use of gender-sensitive perspectives


  • local, province and national networking and co-operation between business and professional women
  • non-profit projects that help women gain economic independence to present the views of business and professional women to local, provincial and national organizations and agencies, and to business, governments and civil society


    BPW’s Objectives


    To extend to members and the community an enhanced awareness of issues, interests and practices that affect women at municipal, provincial, national and international levels.


    To effect positive change for women through advocacy, community outreach, networking and collaboration with like-minded organizations.


    To support members and all women in developing their capacity for leadership, communication and personal, professional and business excellence.

    Whether you share our interests or concerns and would like to work with us to achieve our aims and objectives, or you’re just a casual visitor, we’d love to hear from you or welcome you to a club meeting.


      BPW grows your leadership potential to:

      • Assume leadership roles in the workplace, the marketplace and community
      • Achieve entrepreneurial and business success
      • Occupy political service in the municipal, provincial and national spheres
      • Serve on boards
      • Become a member of the BPW Leadership team


      BPW empowers you to:

      • Recognize and develop your full potential, your professional advancement and your leadership capacity
      • Appreciate your accomplishments and talent (e.g. awards, accreditation and vocation promotion)
      • Partner with and recognize organizations and businesses that merit distinction for their commitment to empowering women

      “Each woman, as a citizen, must bring to the national policy of her own country, the contribution of forward-looking and constructive thought followed by determined action. Each woman must dedicate herself to protect and promote the interests of all other women in business and professions.”

      Lena Madesin Phillips, founder and first President of BPW International, 1930


        BPW works to achieve equal opportunity, economic equality, accountability and health and safety for all women by:

        • Reinforcing the value that women bring to business, the community and society
        • Stimulating leadership and business potential of women at all levels
        • Advancing equal opportunities through business, community and government partnerships, initiatives and actions that promote
          • Women’s Empowerment Principles
          • Equal Pay Day activities that advance Equal pay for work of equal value, pay equity, gender equality and sensitivity
          • Health, safety and freedom from violence
          • Entrepreneurial and business success 


        BPW advocates for meaningful change for women, men and society as a whole at all levels of the organization by:

        • Broadening awareness and supporting your calls for change at the local, provincial, national and international levels of government and oversight (e.g. UN participation, local and national legislative policy changes, social media campaigns, etc.)
        • Educating, training and personal and professional development for all women

          Worldwide Networks

          BPW connects women into a global web of influence.  Membership in BPW London includes membership in BPW Ontario, BPW Canada and BPW International – the International Federation of Business and Professional Women, with clubs in more than 100 countries around the world. Our International Federation has Category I Consultative Status at the United Nations since 1947.

          Could you benefit from?:

          Worldwide networks

          International friendships

          Global business connections

          Recognition and realizing your aspirations within a respectful & supportive global environment

              BPW London History

              Business and Professional Women London (BPW London) have been making a difference in London’s business community and overall work-life experience since 1945. Women from all walks of life and all ages come together through BPW London for Professional Development, Supportive Networking, Leadership Opportunities and to address Women’s Issues.

              BPW London is a member of the Business and Professional Women Ontario (BPW Ontario) and the Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW Canada).

              Professional Development occurs on many levels in BPW – during monthly dinner meetings and through the nationally sponsored Career Skills Achievement Certificate Program. This program offers our members powerful training in Mentoring, Time and Meeting Management, Public Speaking, Gender Equity, Business Etiquette. Networking and developing lasting friendships are fundamental to the BPW London membership.

              Opportunities are limitless for Leadership Development through club participation and advocacy at the Municipal, Provincial, National and International level. BPW at all levels of government is recognized for its informed and influential voice. BPW International has consultative status with the United Nations and truly offers members a meaningful connection to the world.

              Today the London BPW is comprised of working women from all walks of life who come together to effect change in our world. Through BPW, London women experience professional development, supportive networking leadership and career advancement opportunities while addressing women’s issues.

              Remembering Our History:

              As BPW women, we must always remember our sisters who came before us, and the struggles they faced so that women could be where they are today.

                    BPW London Past-Presidents
                    Sophy Ford 1945 – 1946
                    Mary Gillespie 1946 – 1947
                    Phyllis Cooper 1947 – 1949
                    Edith Millard 1949 – 1950
                    Willa Gammage 1951 – 1953
                    Dorothy Constable 1953 – 1955
                    Winnifred Barnes 1955 – 1957
                    Carmel Connelly 1957 – 1959
                    Kathleen Schafer 1959 – 1961
                    Marguerite Lawler 1961 – 1963
                    Maria Davidson 1963 – 1965
                    Hazel Phillips 1965 – 1967
                    Kathleen Pfohl 1967 – 1969
                    Shirley Jones 1969 – 1970
                    Beatrice (Peggy) Sullivan 1970 – 1972
                    Mildred Marston 1972 – 1974
                    Ethel Obokata 1974 – 1976
                    Alma Sadler 1976 – 1977
                    Frances La Franier 1977 – 1978
                    Dorothy Turner 1978 – 1980
                    Valerie Woodward 1980 – 1982
                    Ivana Baldelli 1982 – 1983
                    Vickie Hughes 1983 – 1985
                    Heather McCarthy 1985 – 1987
                    Vickie Hughes 1987 – 1989
                    Doris Hall 1989 – 1991
                    Marg Petznick 1991 – 1993
                    Susan Dill 1993 – 1994
                    Christine Scott 1994 – 1995
                    Jayne Graham 1995 – 1997
                    Marian Smibert 1997 – 1999
                    Sheila Crook 1999 – 2001
                    Brenda Carpenter 2001 – 2003
                    Linda Davis 2003 – 2005
                    Deb Taylor 2005 – 2008
                    Carole Orchard 2008 – 2010
                    Laura Noble 2010 – 2013
                    Winn Barnett 2013 – 2018
                    Norma Yau 2018 – 2020
                    Kelsy Gill 2020 – 2022
                    Dani Bartlett 2023-2024
                    Tammie Ross 2024